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Highlights of The Hague

Tweede Kamer (House of Represenatives)

Bezuidenhoutseweg 67, 2594 AC The Hague
Tweede Kamer Bezuidenhoutseweg Den Haag
07:00 - 19:00
07:00 – 19:00
07:00 – 19:00
07:00 – 19:00
07:00 – 19:00
07:00 – 19:00
Museum genre
Number of persons
Company outing, Family outing, Team outing, Friends outing
Type of activity
Guided tour
Rebuilding the Binnenhof (Inner Court) and temporary relocation of the House of Representatives.

The Binnenhof (Inner Court) is a monumental complex eight centuries old. There are technical and architectural defects in several places, such as wood rot, leaking roofs and outdated plumbing. This poses risks to (fire) safety. In addition, new security requirements and the increasing number of visitors require adjustments.

All buildings at the Binnenhof, including the Lower House, are more or less being renovated. After renovation, the buildings will meet today's requirements. In this way, the Binnenhof will remain the centre of Dutch parliamentary democracy for future generations.

Temporary relocation House of Represenatives (Tweede Kamer) 

The Binnenhof had many occupants: the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, the Council of State and the Ministry of General Affairs. During the renovation, they all stay at a different workplace. The Senate and Council of State moved to Lange Voorhout 34-36/Kazernestraat. The Ministry of General Affairs has moved to Bezuidenhoutseweg 73. The temporary Lower House is at Bezuidenhoutseweg 67/Prinses Irenepad 1, near The Hague Central Station. After the renovation, everyone will return to the Binnenhof.

Tweede Kamer Bezuidenhoutseweg Den Haag
Gebouw van de Tweede Kamer aan de Bezuidenhoutsweg
The temporary House of Representatives is located in the former Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

Visit the Tweede Kamer

The visiting address of the Lower House is Prinses Irenepad 1, The Hague. The Lower House is open to the public every working day. Visitors again have access to the Statenpassage, the visitors' gallery of the plenary hall and the Statenlokaal, where you can have a cup of coffee.

Rules for visiting the House of Representatives

  • Visitors must register in advance to visit the Chamber or on site via a registration kiosk. You can register via visitors.tweedekamer.nl.
  • Registering for a visit is not equivalent to reserving a seat in a meeting room. If the maximum visiting capacity of the building or the public galleries has been reached, you may have to wait for a while.
  • Visitors aged 14 and over must be able to show a valid identity document.


ProDemos - House for Democracy and the Rule of Law in The Hague informs citizens about the democratic rule of law and encourages them to play an active role in it. ProDemos' visitor centre offers tours of the Upper and Lower Houses of Parliament.

Plenaire Zaal Tweede Kamer op Bezuidenhoutseweg in Den Haag
Plenaire Zaal Tweede Kamer op Bezuidenhoutseweg in Den Haag
The Plenary Hall.
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